Now showing items 804-823 of 1897

    • Laikipia County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2022 

      County Government of Laikipia (County Government of Laikipia, 2022)
      The 2022 County Budget Review and Outlook Paper(C-BROP) has been prepared in line with Section 118 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 which requires a County Government to prepare this paper in respect of each ...
    • Laikipia County Community Health Strategy 2021–2025. 

      County Government of Laikipia (County Government of Laikipia, 2021)
      Community health is the first level of service delivery within the six-tiered health system. According to the Kenya Community Health Strategy (2021–2025), community health services are provided within a community health ...
    • Laikipia County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2016 

      County Government of Laikipia (County Government of Laikipia, 2016)
      This County Fiscal Strategy Paper for the FY 2016/17 sets out the county's priority programmes to be implemented in the FY 2016/17 as outlined in the County Annual Development Plan 2016/17 and the Second Medium Term Plan ...
    • Laikipia County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2017 

      County Government of Laikipia 2017 (County Government of Laikipia, 2017)
      The County Government of Laikipia is committed to improved service delivery to the public. Key pillars in the CFSP include: water access, health services, road transport infrastructure, agriculture and livestock development, ...
    • Laikipia County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2018 

      County Government of Laikipia (County Government of Laikipia, 2018)
      The 2018 CFSP is anchored on the following key pillars: Upgrading of infrastructure; Improving Security; Food security; Destination Laikipia; Lighting up homes and markets; Job creation; Proper governance and accountability; ...
    • Laikipia County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2020 

      County Government of Laikipia (County Government of Laikipia, 2020)
      The Laikipia County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) for the year 2020 is a key policy document of the County Government of Laikipia that indicates how the government intends to finance programmes and prioritize allocation of ...
    • Laikipia County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2021 

      County Government of Laikipia (County Government of Laikipia, 2022)
      The country’s economy picked up strongly in the second quarter of 2021, with real GDP growing 10.1 percent supported by easing of COVID-19 containment measures. Economic growth was projected at 6.0 percent in 2021 from the ...
    • Laikipia County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2022 

      County Government of Laikipia (County Government of Laikipia, 2022)
      The Laikipia County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) for the year 2022 is a key policy document of the County Government of Laikipia indicating how the government will prioritize allocation of resources to finance programmes ...
    • Laikipia County ICT Road-Map 2015-2020 

      County Government of Laikipia (County Government of Laikipia, 2015)
      Information and communication technology (ICT) has become, in the last two decades a pillar of the basic building blocks of modern society. Technology affects every aspect of society and each individual's life in the ...
    • Laikipia County Integrated Development Plan 2013-2017 

      County Government of Laikipia (County Government of Laikipia, 2013)
      he Laikipia County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2013-2017 is the first development blue print for the county. It establishes the path that the county will follow over the next five years. It is prepared in line ...
    • Laikipia County Integrated Development Plan 2018-2022 

      County Government of Laikipia (County Government of Laikipia, 2018)
      Laikipia County is one of the 47 counties in the Republic of Kenya in the Central Rift Valley region. It is listed as county number 31. The County Headquarter is Rumuruti Town but it is temporarily hosted in Nanyuki since ...
    • Laikipia County Integrated Development Plan 2023-2027 

      County Government of Laikipia (County Government of Laikipia, 2023)
      The County Government Act, 2012, Section 104, requires the county governments to formulate the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP), which forms the basis for budgeting and appropriation of funds within the County. ...
    • Laikipia County Internship Policy And Guidelines For The Public Service in Laikipia County 2020 

      County Government of Laikipia (County Government of Laikipia, 2020)
      The high rate of unemployment in Laikipia County has been a source of great concern for policy makers in county government and other key sectors. One of the contributing factors to this state of affairs is the lack of ...
    • Laikipia County Programme Based Budget 2021/2022 

      County Government of Laikipia (County Government of Laikipia, 2021)
      The County Government of Laikipia annual estimates for financial year 2021-2022 have been prepared in line with chapter 12 and Article 220 (2) of the Constitution of Kenya (2010) and section 125 of the Public Finance ...
    • Laikipia County Programme Based Budget 2022/2023 

      County Government of Laikipia (County Government of Laikipia, 2022)
      The County Government of Laikipia annual estimates for financial year 2022/2023 have been prepared in line with chapter 12 and Article 220 (2) of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 and Section 125 of the Public Finance ...
    • Laikipia County Programme Based Budget 2023/2024 

      County Government of Laikipia (County Government of Laikipia, 2023)
      220 (2) of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010, section 129 of the public finance management act 2012 and Part IV of the Public Finance Management Regulation 2015. These estimates are guided by public inputs during the 3rd ...
    • Laikipia County Programme Based Budget Estimates 2020 

      County Government of Laikipia (County Government of Laikipia, 2020)
      The implementation of programme based budgets commenced in the financial years 2013/ I 4 for the national government and 2014/15 for the county governments constituted under Chapter eleven of the Constitution of Kenya ...
    • Laikipia County Supplementary Budget Estimates 2019 

      County Government of Laikipia (County Government of Laikipia, 2019)
      Laikipia County will receive equitable share of Ksh. 4,113,400,000 from the National Government in 2018/19, the County government will raise Kshs. 800,000,000 from own sources. Other revenues will include Conditional ...
    • Laikipia District Development Plan 1984-1988 

      Ministry of Finance and Planning (Government printers, 1984)
      This District Development Plan was prepared by the District Department Heads of Ministries under the coordination of the District Development Officer and the Executive Committee of the District Development Committee. The ...
    • Laikipia District Development Plan 1997-2001 

      Ministry of Finance and Planning (Government printers, 1997)
      This District Development Plan was prepared by the District Departmental Heads of various ministries under the co-ordination of the District Commissioner assisted by the members of the District Planning Unit. The plan ...