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dc.description.abstractThe KIPPRA Annual Regional Conference (KARC) was successfully held from 23rd to 25th June 2021 at the Bomas of Kenya, with the theme: “Science, Technology, and Innovation (ST&I) in Enhancing Delivery of the ‘Big Four’ Development Agenda”. We express our gratitude and appreciation to all the partners who supported KIPPRA in organizing a successful conference. We acknowledge the importance of intensifying application of ST&I to raise productivity and efficiency levels across the social, economic, and political pillars as envisioned in the Kenya Vision 2030. The Constitution of Kenya 2010 explicitly places a premium on development and management of a knowledge-based economyen
dc.publisherKenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysisen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesConference Proceedings;2021
dc.subjectPublic Policyen
dc.subjectKnowledge Based Economyen
dc.subjectBig 4 Agendaen
dc.subjectTechnology and Innovationen
dc.subjectST&I and Infrastructureen
dc.titleConference Proceeding No. 11 of 2021 on Science, Technology, and Innovation in Enhancing Delivery of the Big Four Development Agendaen
dc.typeKIPPRA Publicationsen
ppr.contributor.authorKenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA)en

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