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dc.description.abstractThe budget estimates for 2020/2021 Financial Year was prepared in line with the County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2020, with more emphasis on completion of on-going programmes and projects. The estimates were also guided by the strategic interventions identified in the draft County Budget Expenditure Review (CBER). As per the CFSP, the allocation for ward development has dropped significantly unlike the previous Financial Years, this is attributed to CBER findings which required financing of on-going projects as well as the outbreak of corona virus disease (COVID-19) that has led a projected reduction of own source revenue funds and equitable share. The tourism sector being the leading source of revenue for the County has been affected seriously by the pandemic; consequently, revenue collection in the current FY of 2019/2020 has continued to drop drastically. Other revenue generating sectors are equally affected leading to revision of local revenue target for 2020/2021 FY from Kshs 393 million to Kshs 296 million.en
dc.publisherCounty Government of Baringoen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesCounty Budget;2020/2021
dc.subjectRevenue Expenditureen
dc.subjectResource Mobilizationen
dc.subjectBudget Allocationen
dc.subjectInfrastructure Developmenten
dc.titleBaringo County Programme Based Budget 2020/2021en
ppr.contributor.authorCounty Government of Baringoen

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