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dc.description.abstractThe National Information Platform for Food and Nutrition (NIPFN) aims at informing food and nutrition security policies and programmes through evidence. One of the objectives of NIPFN is to strengthen capacity to track progress in meeting national objectives on malnutrition reduction. In view of this objective, this report presents analysis and findings on stunting – an anthropometric indicator which Kenya tracks through global and national commitments such as the World Health Assembly (WHA), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Kenya’s Big 4 Agenda. The report responds to two main questions: (1) what is the national progress in stunting reduction between 1993 and 2014 for children aged 0-59 months? If the current stunting performance is sustained, will the nation achieve its national and global targets for 2022 and 2025? (2) Is stunting associated with poverty? If so, what are some of the socio-economic characteristics of households with stunted children?en
dc.publisherNational Information Platform for Food Security and Nutritionen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesNIPFN Publication;
dc.subjectNational Stunting Trendsen
dc.subjectChildhood Stuntingen
dc.subjectSocio-Economic Indicatorsen
dc.subjectSocial Inequalitiesen
dc.titleAn Analysis of the National Progress and Household Characteristics Associated with Stuntingen
ppr.contributor.authorNational Information Platform for Food Security and Nutritionen

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