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dc.description.abstractThe FY 2021/2022 program based budget is the fourth in a series of annual budgets to be prepared by the county government to implement the CIDP 2018/2022. The document has been prepared in compliance with the Constitution of Kenya 2010, County Government Act 2012 and the Public Finance Management Act 2012. It draws content from the ward public fora held across the county, Annual Development Plan (ADP)-2021/2022 and Fiscal Strategy Paper (FSP)-2021 prepared by the County Executive and to be adopted by the County Assembly. The 2021/2022 financial year budget has been prepared under a difficult circumstances and uncertainties. We are emerging from a devastating drought, recovering from impacts of desert locust invasion and still exposed to the security threats presented by Al Shabaab terror group which disrupted travel and overall peace and security of our beloved people. Over and above these challenges, the global pandemic of Corona Virus worsened the situation and compounded our problems pushing up the cost of travel and prices of food with lock down of travel into and out of Mandera. Later, cessation of movement into and out of Nairobi made the prices of food and goods expensive resulting in loss of revenue streams for the county and general food insecurity. The budget revenue is financed by equitable share of revenue, Grants and the own-source revenue (Local Revenue Collections)en
dc.publisherCounty Government of Manderaen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesCounty Budget;2021/2022
dc.subjectInfrastructure Developmenten
dc.subjectResource Mobilizationen
dc.subjectEconomic Developmenten
dc.subjectBudget Frameworken
dc.subjectFiscal Policyen
dc.titleMandera County Programme Based Budget 2021/2022en
ppr.contributor.authorCounty Government of Manderaen

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