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dc.description.abstractThe 2024 County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP), the second to be prepared under the Achani-Chirema administration continues the socio economic transformation agenda by reaffirming the priority policies, programs and strategies as contained in the Governor’s manifesto. This 2024 CFSP therefore sets out the priority policies and reforms of the new administration that will be implemented in the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework 2024/2025 – 2026/2027. The implementation of these policies and programs will support the core pillars of the Kenya Kwanza Bottom Up Economic Transformation Agenda and the Fourth Medium Term Plan of the Vision 2030. The preparation of this 2024 CFSP is guided by the provisions of section 117 of the Public Finance Management Act 2012. This 2024 CFSP will prioritize implementation of transformative policies and programmes contained in the County Sectoral Plan (CSP) 2023-2032 and the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2023-2027. The policies and programmes outlined in this 2024 CFSP will re-position the county to take advantage of the ongoing transformative National Government infrastructural projects which are key in addressing the core development challenges.en
dc.publisherCounty Government of Kwaleen
dc.subjectInfrastructure Developmenten
dc.subjectBudget Frameworken
dc.subjectResource Mobilizationen
dc.subjectCounty Planningen
dc.subjectEconomic Developmenten
dc.titleKwale County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2024en
dc.typeStrategy Paperen
ppr.contributor.authorCounty Government of Kwaleen

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