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dc.description.abstractThe 2023 County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) is the first to be prepared under the third term of devolution in Kwale. The preparation of the 2023 CFSP is guided by the provisions of section 117 of the Public Finance Management Act 2012. It sets out the priority programmes, policies and reforms of the new administration that will be implemented in the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework 2023/24 – 2025/26. This 2023 CFSP comes at a time when the County Government is finalizing the preparation of the ten-year long term plan, the County Sectoral Plan(CSP) 2023-2032 which will pave way for the preparation of the third Generation of the County Integrated Development Plan(CIDP) 2023-2027. This 2023 CFSP will prioritize implementation of high impact programmes in both the CSP 2023-2032 and the CIDP 2023-2027 which guarantee re-positioning of the county to take advantage of the ongoing transformative National flagship projects and also address the key development challenges. This is expected to ensure a steady recovery of the economy and sustainable growth, poverty reduction and rapid county transformation. The 2023 CFSP is framed against a backdrop of global and domestic economic slowdown courtesy of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, increased global inflation as well as climate change related effects. In 2021, the Kenya economy had picked due to economic recovery strategies of the COVID-19 pandemic.en
dc.publisherCounty Government of Kwaleen
dc.subjectEconomic Developmenten
dc.subjectResource Mobilizationen
dc.subjectUrban Developmenten
dc.subjectBudget Frameworken
dc.subjectFiscal Performanceen
dc.titleKwale County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2023en
dc.typeStrategy Paperen
ppr.contributor.authorCounty Government of Kwaleen

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