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dc.description.abstractThe County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) is a policy document that sets out the broad strategic priorities and policy goals to guide the County Governments in preparing their budgets for the subsequent financial year and over the medium term. In the document, adherence to the fiscal responsibility principles demonstrates prudent and transparent management of public resources in line with the Constitution and the Public Finance Management (PFM) Act, 2012. Section 117 of the PFM Act, 2012 provides that the County Government shall prepare and submit to the County Executive Committee the County Fiscal Strategy Paper for approval and the County Treasury shall submit the approved Fiscal Strategy Paper to the county assembly, by the 28th February of each year. In preparing the paper, the County Treasury shall align its CFSP with the national objectives in the Budget Policy Statement (BPS). The County Treasury shall consider any recommendations made by the County Assembly when finalizing the budget proposal for the financial year concerned and publish and publicize the County Fiscal Strategy Paper within seven days after it has been submitted to the County Assembly. The County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) 2024 underpins the county fiscal and budget framework by laying out strategic priorities and fiscal policy – that is measure and interventions the county plans undertake in regards to resource generation and mobilization, expenditure and debt management over the medium-term.en
dc.publisherCounty Government of Meruen
dc.subjectInfrastructure Developmenten
dc.subjectFinancial Managementen
dc.subjectFiscal Projectionsen
dc.subjectBudgetary Allocationen
dc.subjectEconomic Developmenten
dc.titleMeru County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2024en
dc.typeStrategy Paperen
ppr.contributor.authorCounty Government of Meruen

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