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dc.description.abstractNyandarua County Nutrition Action Plan 2023/2024-2027/2028 is a road map that seeks to address nutrition challenges in the county. It is a comprehensive plan that provides a coordinated implementation of nutrition interventions by the health department and other government and non-governmental actors. the document will guide nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive programming in the county in line with H.E. Governor (Dr) Moses N. Badilisha Kiarie's change agenda for socio-economic Development, wealth creation and resource mobilization. The Plan aligns with county and national policy, legislative documents and international commitments. At the county level, the plan is aligned with the CIDP 2023-2024, whose vision is "A wealthy, transformed and equitable county that provides healthy life to its citizens" and the central regional Economic Bloc (CeREB) Blueprint. Nationally, the Plan is aligned with the Kenya Nutrition Action Plan (KNAP) 2018-2022, Kenya Vision 2030, (MTP-IV) and the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA). Internationally, the document is aligned with commitments such as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Africa Agenda 2063en
dc.publisherCounty Government of Nyandaruaen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesStrategy Paper;2023/2024-2027/2028
dc.subjectNutrition Situationen
dc.subjectHealth Accessen
dc.subjectNutrition Programmingen
dc.subjectNutrition Indexen
dc.titleNyandarua County Nutrition Action Plan 2023/2024-2027/2028en
dc.typeStrategy Paperen
ppr.contributor.authorCounty Government of Nyandaruaen

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