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dc.description.abstractThe National Skills Development Policy is organized in five chapters. The first chapter provides the policy overview and context. The second chapter consists of the situational analysis of skills development. Chapter three presents the policy statements and options. The fourth chapter provides an overview of the implementation framework, and chapter five deals with the monitoring and evaluation framework of the policy. The appendix provides a list of definition of key terms used in the policy. The goal of the National Skills Development Policy is to promote sustainable socio-economic development through the development of a skilled workforce that is employable, productive, enterprising, innovative, adaptable and competitive. The objectives of the policy are to: a). Strengthen the governance and management of skills development; b). Ensure access to equitable and quality education and training that is aligned to labour market needs; c). Improve the employability outcomes of education and training; d). Enhance access to entrepreneurship education and training for business growth and productivity; e). Ensure that education and training is responsive to labour market information and skills anticipation; f). Enhance a seamless school-to-work transition; g). Align skills development to national development priorities; h). Promote skills development for increased productivity in the economy; i). Strengthen skills development for enabling entry into non-traditional and new occupations.en
dc.publisherMinistry of Labour and Social Protectionen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesPolicy Paper;2023
dc.subjectSkills Developmenten
dc.subjectSkills Gap Trainingen
dc.subjectSkills Anticipationen
dc.titleNational Skills Development Policy 2023en
dc.typePolicy Paperen
ppr.contributor.authorMinistry of Labour and Social Protectionen

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