Now showing items 1-19 of 19

    • Turkana County Annual Development Plan 2015/2016 

      County Government of Turkana (County Government of Turkana, 2015)
      CTurkana County is situated in the North Western part of Kenya. The County is administratively divided into 7 sub-counties, 30 wards, 56 locations that are further subdivided into 156 sub-locations. The settlement patterns ...
    • Turkana County Annual Development Plan 2017/2018 

      County Government of Turkana (County Government of Turkana, 2017)
      This Annual Development Plan, 2017/18 is a continuation of the Turkana County Government’s effort to ensure effective linkage between policies, planning and budgeting. This process is anchored in Article 220(2) of the ...
    • Turkana County Annual Development Plan 2018/2019 

      County Government of Turkana (County Government of Turkana, 2018)
      This Annual Development Plan, 2017/18 is a continuation of the Turkana County Government’s effort to ensure effective linkage between policies, planning and budgeting. This process is anchored in Article 220(2) of the ...
    • Turkana County Annual Development Plan 2019/2020 

      County Government of Turkana (County Government of Turkana, 2019)
      This is the first plan in a series of Annual Development Plans to be implemented during the 2018-2022 plan period. It is a transition plan from the 2013/17 CIDP to the 2018-2022 one and its preparation has been informed ...
    • Turkana County Annual Development Plan 2020/2021 

      County Government of Turkana (County Government of Turkana, 2019)
      This is the third plan in a series of Annual Development Plans to be implemented during the 2018-2022 plan period. It is a transition plan from the 2013/17 CIDP to the 2018-2022 one and its preparation has been informed ...
    • Turkana County Annual Development Plan 2021/2022 

      County Government of Turkana (County Government of Turkana, 2021)
      This is the third plan in a series of Annual Development Plans to be implemented during the 2018-2022 plan period. It is a transition plan from the 2013/17 CIDP to the 2018-2022. Priority programmes and projects captured ...
    • Turkana County Annual Development Plan 2022/2023 

      County Government of Turkana (County Government of Turkana, 2022)
      This Annual Development Plan is the fifth plan to be prepared during the 2018-2022 plan period. Priority programmes and projects captured in this plan have therefore been carefully designed to build on the gains made from ...
    • Turkana County Budget Estimates 2019/2020 

      County Government of Turkana (County Government of Turkana, 2019)
      The Turkana County Budget FY 2019/20 is the second budget in the implementation of the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2018-2022. It has been prepared in compliance with the relevant provisions of the Constitution ...
    • Turkana County Budget Estimates 2020/2021 

      County Government of Turkana (County Government of Turkana, 2020)
      This budget has been aligned to the Turkana County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2018-2022, the Turkana Annual Development Plan FY 2019/20 and variably the Turkana County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2020, all of which have ...
    • Turkana County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2019. 

      County Government of Turkana (County Government of Turkana, 2019)
      The Turkana County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2019 has been prepared in accordance with the Public Finance Management (PFM) Act, 2012 and its provisions. This document provides an overview of the FY 20 l 8/ l 9 ...
    • Turkana County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2021 

      County Government of Turkana (County Government of Turkana, 2021)
      Turkana County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2021 has been prepared in accordance with the PFM Act 2012; an analysis of FY 2020/2021 budget performance. It considers the revenue and expenditure recorded during the financial ...
    • Turkana County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2023 

      County Government of Turkana (County Government of Turkana, 2023)
      The 2023 County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP) gives an analysis of fiscal performance (revenue and expenditure) of the FY 2022/2023 and how this performance affects fiscal responsibility principles as spelled ...
    • Turkana County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2018 

      County Government of Turkana (County Government of Turkana, 2018)
      This paper is being prepared at a time when significant efforts have been made in the county which include appointing the County Executives, Chief Officers and restructuring of entire county government departments thus ...
    • Turkana County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2019 

      Unknown author (County Government of Turkana, 2019)
      This Turkana County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) 2019 is the sixth since the advent of devolution and comes during a period of the implementation of the second generation County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) ...
    • Turkana County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2020 

      County Government of Turkana (County Government of Turkana, 2020)
      This County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP 2020) is the 7th edition since the advent of devolution to be prepared by the Turkana County Government. It is intended to foster the implementation of the 2nd generation CIDP ...
    • Turkana County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2024 

      County Government of Turkana (County Government of Turkana, 2024)
      The Turkana County Fiscal Strategy Paper is the second to be prepared under HE Governor Jeremiah Ekamais Lomurkai Napotikans administration. it sets out the county political goals and strategic priorities that will be the ...
    • Turkana County Integrated Development Plan 2023-2027 

      County Government of Turkana (County Government of Turkana, 2023)
      The preparation of the Turkana County Third Generation CIDP 2023-2027 (CIDP III) was premised on guiding provisions in the devolution laws including the County Government Act 2012 and The Public Finance Management Act ...
    • Turkana District Development Plan 1984-1988 

      Ministry of Finance and Planning (Government printers, 1984)
      This District Development Plan was prepared by the District Department Heads of Ministries under the coordination of the District Development Officer and the Executive Committee of the District Development Committee. The ...
    • Turkana North District Development Plan 2008-2012 

      Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030 (Government printers, 2009)
      Turkana North District is situated in the northern half of the Rift Valley Province. It is one of the 43 districts of the Rift Valley Province. The district is administratively divided into seven divisions, 26 locations ...