• Trans Nzoia County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2018 

      County Government of Trans Nzoia (County Government of Trans Nzoia, 2018)
      The CFSP for FY 2018/19 reiterates the County Government development objectives of doubling youth employment, doubling land productivity and reducing by half the poverty level in the County. It outlines the Broad Strategic ...
    • Trans Nzoia County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2023 

      County Government of Trans Nzoia (County Government of Trans Nzoia, 2023)
      This County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP 2023) has been formulated as per the Section 117 of the PFM Act 2012 and the PFM (County Government) Regulations 2015. The 2023 County Fiscal Strategy Paper is the first to be prepared ...