Now showing items 1-10 of 11
Sessional Paper No. 02 of 2014 on The National Social Protection Policy
(Republic of Kenya, 2014)
This Sessional Paper recognizes and builds on existing social protection initiatives such as education bursaries, school feeding programmes, agriculture subsidies, fee waivers in public health facilities, Orphans and ...
Sessional Paper No. 03 of 2014 on National Policy and Action Plan on Human Rights
(Republic of Kenya, 2014)
This Policy focuses on a set of key priority human rights areas that were identified by the public during hearings conducted countrywide. These key areas are categorized as follows: in the area of Civil and Political Rights ...
Sessional Paper No. 04 of 2014 on the Governance, Justice, Law and Order Sector (GJLOS) Policy
(Republic of Kenya, 2014)
GJLOS sector policy performs a number of primary objectives. First, it creates harmonization, alignment, coordination, and anchorage within the sector (between different GJLOS institutions) and between the GJLOS and the ...
Sessional Paper No. 05 of 2014 on National Policy for Peacebuilding and Conflict Management
(Ministry of Interior and Co-Ordination of National Government, 2014)
This Peacebuilding and Conflict Management Sessional Paper is a culmination of the consultative process which commenced in 2005 in an effort to strengthen, co-ordinate, and integrate various conflict management initiatives ...
Sessional Paper No.12 of 2014 on National Wetlands Conservation and Management Policy
(Ministry of Environment Water and Natural Resources, 2014)
The National Wetlands Conservation and Management Policy, developed through a rigorous multi-stakeholder consultative process, therefore seeks to secure and ensure the benefits of wetlands for posterity. It also aims at ...
Sessional Paper No.13 of 2014 on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Policy
(Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, 2014)
The coastal zone is endowed with rich multiple-use resources which are of great socio-economic significa1.1ce to the local community and the nation at large. The need for the ICZM Policy framework is premised by the failure ...
Sessional Paper No.10 of 2014 on The National Environment Policy
(Ministry of Environment Water and Natural Resources, 2014)
The objectives of this Policy are to: Provide a framework for an integrated approach to planning and sustainable management of Kenya's environment and natural resources. Strengthen the legal and institutional framework for ...
Sessional Paper No. 06 of 2014 on the National Children Policy
(Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Services, 2014)
The need for a policy on children arises from the Government's commitment to address the plight of this vulnerable category of society through a comprehensive and coherent institutional, legislative and enforceable framework, ...
Sessional Paper No.11 of 2014 on National Education for Sustainable Development Policy
(Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, 2014)
The development of the ESD Policy was through a participatory process involving key stakeholders, including government agencies, the private sector, civil society organizations (CSOs) and the media. Hence the ESD Policy ...
Sessional Paper No.14 of 2014 on Increase of Government of Kenya External Borrowing Ceiling
(The National Treasury and Planning, 2014)
This sessional paper focuses on the government’s decision to increase external borrowing ceiling. As at 30th September 2014 the GoK's total disbursed outstanding nominal external debt stock stood at Ksh 1,045 billion against ...