Now showing items 1-10 of 189
Sessional Paper No. 03 of 2012 on Population Policy for National Development
(Ministry of state for Planning,, 2012)
This Sessional Paper on Population Policy for National Development presents a policy framework
whose goal is to attain high quality of life for the people of Kenya by managing population growth
to a level that can be ...
Sessional Paper No. 06 of 1945 on Proposals for the Reorganization of Local Government, Health Services and the Departments of Lands and Mines
(Government of Kenya, 1945)
This Sessional Paper lay foundation on Proposals for the Reorganization of Local Government, Health Services and the Departments of Lands and Mines ...
Sessional Paper No. 07 of 1945 on The Defence (African Labour for Essentail Undertaking) Regulation 1942 Termination of Conscription
(Government of Kenya, 1945)
This Sessional paper provides details on the Termination of Conscription of the Defence (African Labour for Essential Undertakings: Regulations of the year 1942.
Sessional Paper No. 05 of 2012 on The National Social Protection Policy
(Ministry of Labour, 2012)
The Social Protection Policy is based on the following principles: leadership and
integrity; good governance; evidence-based programming; gender mainstreaming (in
other words, assessing the implications for both males ...
Sessional Paper No. 06 of 2012 on the Kenya Health Policy 2012-2030
The Sessional Paper focuses on six Policy objectives, and seven Policy orientations to attain the overall
government's goals in health. It takes into account the functional responsibilities between the two levels
of ...
Sessional Paper No. 01 of 1945 on Promotions - Provincial Administration
(Republic of Kenya, 1945)
The sessional paper is laid in the floor of the house for the purpose of promotion of vacancies which have recently occurred in the Provincial Administration, and others will occur shortly. These have recently been considered ...
Sessional Paper No. 09 of 1989 on Kenya Government Guarantee of a Loan to Kenya Power & Lighting Company From Indosuez Bank N.V. of Belgium
(Government of Kenya, 1989)
In accordance with the provision of the Guarantee (Loan) Act Cap 461, the following information, relating to a guarantee by the Government of an obligation to Kenya Power and Lighting Company in respect of a loan described ...
Sessional Paper No. 06 of 2011 on National Children Policy
(Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development., 2011)
The need for a policy on children arises from the government's commitment to address the well being of this vulnerable category of society through a comprehensive and coherent institutional, legislative and enforceable ...
Sessional Paper No. 08 of 2012 on National Policy for the Sustainable Development of Northern Kenya and other Arid Lands
(Ministry of State for Development of Northern Kenya and Other Arid Lands, 2012)
The title of this policy is a deliberate echo of the influential Sessional Paper No. 10 of 1965,
which perpetuated the biased distribution of public investment established under colonial
rule. Resources were directed ...
Sessional Paper No. 05 of 1987 on the Kenya Guarantee Loans to Kenya Railways Corporation by Export Import Bank of the United States and Banque Indosuez
(Government of Kenya, 1987)
In accordance with the provisions of the Guarantee (Loans) Act (Cap.461) the following information is laid before the National Assembly relating to a guarantee by the Government of obligations of the Kenya Railways Corporation ...