Now showing items 1-10 of 10

    • Taita Taveta County Annual Development Plan 2015/2016 

      County Government of Taita Taveta (County Government of Taita Taveta, 2015)
      This 2015/16 Taita Taveta County Development Plan is prepared in accordance to the Public Financial Management Act 2012 which came into effect after the enactment of the constitution of Kenya 2010. It has been prepared ...
    • Taita Taveta County Annual Development Plan 2016/2017 

      County Government of Taita Taveta (County Government of Taita Taveta, 2016)
      The County Annual Development Plan is a key instrument in the implementation of the Taita Taveta County Intergraded Development Plan 2013-2017, as provided for in section 104 of the County Government Act 2012 and Public ...
    • Taita Taveta County Annual Development Plan 2017/2018 

      County Government of Taita Taveta (County Government of Taita Taveta, 2017)
      The objective of the 2017/2018 Annual Development Plan is to kick off the County Government’s budgeting process by setting its medium term priorities. The 2016 CADP provides details of the County Government’s programmes, ...
    • Taita Taveta County Annual Development Plan 2018/2019 

      County Government of Taita Taveta (County Government of Taita Taveta, 2018)
      This County Annual Development Plan (CADP)-2018-2019 is the first one to be prepared under the second County Government of Taita Taveta. The document is prepared in accordance with the Public Financial Management Act-2012 ...
    • Taita Taveta County Annual Development Plan 2019/2020 

      County Government of Taita Taveta (County Government of Taita Taveta, 2019)
      The objective of the 2019/2020 Annual Development Plan is to lay the basis for the County Government’s budgeting process for FY 2019/2020 by setting its medium term priorities. This CADP provides details of the County ...
    • Taita Taveta County Annual Development Plan 2020/2021 

      County Government of Taita Taveta (County Government of Taita Taveta, 2020)
      The objective of the 2019 County Annual Development Plan is to establish the basis upon which the County Government’s budgeting process for FY 2020/2021 is built. This document provides details of the County Government’s ...
    • Taita Taveta County Annual Development Plan 2021/2022 

      County Government of Taita Taveta (County Government of Taita Taveta, 2021)
      The 2020 County Annual Development Plan (CADP) is prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Public Financial Management Act, 2012 (Section 126(1-4)) and Article 220(2) of the Constitution of Kenya. The objective ...
    • Taita Taveta County Annual Development Plan 2022/2023 

      County Government of Taita Taveta County (County Government of Taita Taveta County, 2021-09)
      The Taita Taveta Annual Development Plan (ADP) for the fiscal year 2022/2023 has been formulated in compliance with the provisions of the Public Financial Management Act, 2012, and the Constitution of Kenya, Article 220(2). ...
    • Taita Taveta County Annual Development Plan 2023/2024 

      County Government of Taita Taveta (County Government of Taita Taveta, 2023)
      This is the first County Annual Development Plan (CADP) of the third generation (2023-2027) CIDP whose primary objective is to provide the basis upon which the county budgeting and implementation of programmes in the FY ...
    • Taita Taveta County Annual Development Plan 2024/2025 

      County Government of Taita Taveta (County Government of Taita Taveta, 2023)
      This is the Second County Annual Development Plan (CADP) of the third generation (2023- 2027) County Integrated Development Plan whose primary objective is to provide the basis upon which the county budgeting and implementation ...