Now showing items 872-891 of 1881

    • Machakos County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2021 

      County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2021)
      The 2021 County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP) is prepared pursuant to Section 118 of the Public Financial Management Act, 2012. It reviews the fiscal performance for the Financial Year 2020/2021 besides providing ...
    • Machakos County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2022 

      County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2022)
      11,e Machakos County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP) is prepared in accordance with section 118 of the Public Finance Manage111ent Act, 2012. The CBROP, 2022, reviews the budget pe1·formance for FY 202 I /22 and ...
    • Machakos County Corruption Prevention Policy 

      County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2020)
      The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all institutions in the County Government of Machakos are corruption free and that all staff of the County government cultivate a culture of zero tolerance to corruption with ...
    • Machakos County Development Planning and Implementation Policy Paper 2021 

      County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2021)
      The formulation of the Machakos County Development Planning and implementation policy is yet another milestone for my administration in our efforts to achieve faster and targeted development and which is an integral part ...
    • Machakos County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2018 

      County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2018)
      The 2018 County Fiscal Strategy Paper is prepared in accordance with the Public Finance Management Act, 2012. It sets our county policies and Strategic priorities that will be the basis for formulation of 2018/2019 Financial ...
    • Machakos County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2021 

      County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2021)
      The 2021 Machakos County Fiscal Paper is the fourth in County's Plan Period 2018-2022. It highligts the legal responsibility of the County Government while reviewing the recent economic development. in specifying the ...
    • Machakos County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2022 

      County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2022)
      This strategy paper articulates priority socioeconomic policies and structural reforms as well as sectoral expenditure programs to be implemented in the fiscal year 2022/2023 and the medium term. Specifically, the County ...
    • Machakos County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2023 

      County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2023)
      This Fiscal Strategy Paper, provides a strategic framework for the County Government's budget process and will guide in decision-making around resource allocation and spending priorities for the Financial Year 2023-2024 ...
    • Machakos County ICT Policy 2021 

      County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2021)
      The Government of Kenya, its citizens, have identified roles played by ICT in the social and economic development of the nation and thus promulgated a national ICT policy based on Kenya Vision 2030 This policy’s objective ...
    • Machakos County Integrated Development Plan 2013-2017 

      County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2015)
      Machakos County is one of the forty seven counties in Kenya and one of the eight counties in the Eastern region. To the North the county borders Embu, Murang’a and Kiambu counties, to the west Nairobi and Kajiado counties; ...
    • Machakos County Integrated Development Plan 2018-2022 

      County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2018)
      Machakos County is one of the 47 counties in Kenya with a projected population of 1.4 million in 2018. Its capital and largest town is Machakos, which was the country’s first administrative headquarters. The County has ...
    • Machakos County Integrated Development Plan 2023-2027 

      County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2023)
      Machakos County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2023-2027 is a five-year Plan which sets the strategic priorities of the County Government. It contains Programmes with specific objectives, implementation plan, and ...
    • Machakos County Monitoring and Evaluation Policy 2021 

      County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2021)
      The County Government of Machakos will endeavour to promote and participate in the achievement of economic, social , environmental and cultural development .This will be realized by focusing on effective and efficient ...
    • Machakos County Programme Based Budget 2017/2018 

      County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2017)
      The FY 2017/18 budget is the last budget to implement the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2013-17. The budget is anchored on the County Government agenda of socio economic transformation with a broad focus of ...
    • Machakos County Programme Based Budget 2018/2019 

      County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2018)
      The CIDP is itself a representation of the social and economic development aspirations of the people of Machakos County, recognizing that these are consistent with the aspirations of all of the people of Kenya under ...
    • Machakos County Programme Based Budget 2019/2020 

      County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2019)
      Programme-Based Budget is presented to give budgetary effect to Machakos County Integrated Development Plan (2018-2022), and the 2019/20 Annual Development Plan Section 104 of the County Government Act 2012 states that; ...
    • Machakos County Programme Based Budget 2020/2021 

      County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2020)
      Section 104 of the County Government Act 2012 states that; a County Government shall plan for the County and no public funds shall be appropriated outside a planning framework developed by the County Executive Committee ...
    • Machakos County Programme Based Budget 2021/2022 

      County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2021)
      This strategy paper articulates priority socioeconomic policies and structural reforms as well as sectoral expenditure programs to be implemented in the fiscal year 2022/2023 and the medium term. Specifically, the County ...
    • Machakos County Programme Based Budget 2022/2023 

      County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2022)
      These PBB Estimates are prepared in accordance with section 129(1) of the PFMA, 2012, which states that the County Executive Member for Finance, shall submit to the County Executive Committee for its approval: The budget ...
    • Machakos County Public Transport Sexual Harassment and Gender-Based Violence Policy 2022 

      County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2022)
      The Kenyan Constitution inaugurated in 2010 has clear guidelines on fundamental human rights to protect all Kenyans from any form of discrimination and harassment, as directly stated in Articles 27, 28, and 29. Additionally, ...