Now showing items 912-931 of 1881

    • Makueni County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2014 

      County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2014)
      The CBROP is a key document in linking policy, planning and budgeting. This year’s CBROP is embedded on the priorities of the County Government in achieving County transformational development agenda as outlined in the ...
    • Makueni County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2015 

      County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2015)
      The CBROP is a key document in linking policy, planning and budgeting. This year’s CBROP is embedded on the priorities of the County Government in achieving County transformational development agenda. The 2015 CBROP focuses ...
    • Makueni County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2016 

      County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2016)
      The County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP) 2016 provide a review of the FY 2015/16 fiscal performance in relation to the objectives set out in the 2016 County Fiscal Strategy Paper. The performance coupled with ...
    • Makueni County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2017 

      County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2017)
      The paper is organized in the following five broad sections: Section One on Introduction, Section Two on Legal Basis for the Publication of the CBROP; Section Three on highlight of the recent economic developments and ...
    • Makueni County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2018 

      County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2018)
      The CBROP is to provide a review of the fiscal performance (FY2017/18) of the previous year and relate it to objectives set out in the 2018 County Fiscal Strategy Paper. The paper also provides an updated macro-economic ...
    • Makueni County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2019 

      County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2019)
      The Makueni County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP) 2019 is prepared according to the Public Financial Management Act, 2012. The paper reviews the budget performance for FY 2018/19 about the revenues and expenditures ...
    • Makueni County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2020 

      County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2020)
      The Makueni County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP) reviews budget implementation for FY 2019/20 as well as projecting the broad outlook for county’s development agenda for FY 2021/22. The CBROP provides a reflection ...
    • Makueni County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2021 

      County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2021)
      The Makueni County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP) is prepared in accordance with section 118 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012. The CBROP, 2021, reviews the budget performance for FY 2020/21 and provides ...
    • Makueni County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2022 

      County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2022)
      The Makueni County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP) is prepared in accordance with section 118 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012. The CBROP, reviews FY 2021/22 budget performance and provides the development ...
    • Makueni County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2023 

      County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2023)
      The 2023 CBROP highlights the total amount of revenue collected against projected amount in the year under review. the paper gives an overview about how the actual expenditure performance of FY 2022/2023 has affected the ...
    • Makueni County Cooperative Development Policy 2022 

      County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2022)
      The launching of this first County Cooperative Development Policy marks an important milestone in the County Government’s efforts to use Cooperatives in realizing its development agenda and enable them play a key role ...
    • Makueni County Disaster Management and Special Programmes Policy 2022 

      County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2022)
      Makueni County, like any other county has its share of disaster profile that is dominated by drought, fires, floods, landslides, drowning, diseases and epidemics. Whenever these disasters have occurred, they have had ...
    • Makueni County Education and Training Policy 2022 

      County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2022)
      Education systems the world over have evolved to ensure that quality lies at their core whilst also ensuring that the prevailing needs of society are addressed. Quality and sustainable education is a transformative force ...
    • Makueni County Environment and Climate Change Policy 2022 

      County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2022)
      Environment has a very broad meaning. It includes the physical factors of the surroundings of human beings including land, water, atmosphere, sound, odour, taste, social factors of aesthetics and the biological factors ...
    • Makueni County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2014 

      County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2014)
      The Makueni 2014 County Fiscal Strategy Paper is the first to be prepared. The CFSP sets out the priorities of the County in the medium term as outlined in the County Integrated Development Plan (2013-2017) and aligned ...
    • Makueni County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2015 

      County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2015)
      The 2015 Makueni County Fiscal Strategy Paper is the second to be prepared in the County and it reaffirms the broad policies and strategies in the 2014 CFSP. It sets out the administrations priority programmes to be ...
    • Makueni County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2016 

      County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2016)
      The 2016 Makueni County Fiscal Strategy Paper is the third to be prepared in the County and it reaffirms the broad policies and strategies in the 2015 CFSP. It sets out the administrations priority programmes to be implemented ...
    • Makueni County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2017 

      County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2017)
      The 2017 Makueni County CFSP sets out broad strategic priorities and policy goals that will guide the County Government in preparing the FY 2017/18 Budget. The broad focus of the paper is for wealth creation for socio-economic ...
    • Makueni County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2018 

      County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2018)
      The 2018 fiscal strategy paper lays a solid foundation to foster the envisioned economic empowerment for sustainable livelihoods. Focus has also been set on how the Government will achieve the five key result areas for; ...
    • Makueni County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2019 

      County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2019)
      he County Treasury is mandated by the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 (PFMA) Section 117 to prepare and submit, to the County Assembly, the County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) by 28th February each year. As per the ...