Now showing items 21-40 of 1986

    • Machakos County Annual Development Plan 2024/2025 

      County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2024)
      The CADP is prepared annually as a way of implementing the five-year County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP), which serves as the county's development blueprint from 2023 to 2027. Its content relates to international ...
    • West Pokot County Programme Based Budget 2024/2025 

      County Government of West Pokot (County Government of West Pokot, 2024)
      The Budget Estimates for FY 2024/2025 – FY 2026/2027 MTEF period have been prepared in accordance with the Provisions of the Constitution of Kenya and the Public Finance Management (PFM) Act, 2012. The estimates have also ...
    • West Pokot County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2024 

      County Government of West Pokot (County Government of West Pokot, 2024)
      Section 117 of the public Finance Management Act, 2012 provides that the County Treasury shall prepare and submit to the County Executive and the County Assembly the County Fiscal Strategy Paper for approval by the 28th ...
    • Turkana County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2024 

      County Government of Turkana (County Government of Turkana, 2024)
      The Turkana County Fiscal Strategy Paper is the second to be prepared under HE Governor Jeremiah Ekamais Lomurkai Napotikans administration. it sets out the county political goals and strategic priorities that will be the ...
    • Nandi County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2024 

      County Government of Nandi (County Government of Nandi, 2024)
      This marks the eleventh iteration of the County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) since the inception of devolution, which established the County Government of Nandi and other governance structures. The CFSP outlines the county's ...
    • Baringo County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2024 

      County Government of Baringo (County Government of Baringo, 2024)
      The policy outlined in this CFSP draws from the national development agenda as outlined in the Fourth Medium Term Plan (MTP IV) of the Vision 2030 and targets to attain the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United ...
    • Kirinyaga County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2024 

      County Government of Kirinyaga (County Government of Kirinyaga, 2024)
      The 2024 CFSP sets out the broad priority strategies and policies to guide the County Government in preparing the budget for 2024/25 financial year and over the medium term. Section 117 of PFM Act 2012 provides that The ...
    • Elgeyo Marakwet County Programme Based Budget 2024/2025 

      County Government of Elgeyo Marakwet (County Government of Elgeyo Marakwet, 2024)
      This year's Budget Estimates marks the second fiscal year for implementing the third-generation County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) covering 2023-2027, which serves as the overarching framework for the county’s ...
    • Elgeyo Marakwet County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2024 

      County Government of Elgeyo Marakwet (County Government of Elgeyo Marakwet, 2024)
      The 2024 CFSP serves as a strategic roadmap, aligning the county's priorities with the national objectives outlined in the 2024 Budget Policy Statement (BPS) for the 2024/25 Financial Years. In the backdrop of a national ...
    • Bungoma County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2024 

      County Government of Bungoma (County Government of Bungoma, 2024)
      The 2024 County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) is the second to be prepared under the third CIDP (2023-2027) as provided for under section 117 of PFM Act of 2012. It sets out the priority programs, policies and reforms to ...
    • Nakuru City County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2024 

      County Government of Nakuru (County Government of Nakuru, 2024)
      The County Fiscal Policy Strategy Paper (CFSP) is prepared as part of the County budget process pursuant to Section 117 of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) 2012. The CFSP 2024 is the second to be prepared under the ...
    • Turkana County Budget Estimates 2024/2025 

      County Government of Turkana (County Government of Turkana, 2024)
      This budget was consultatively prepared in line with Section 125 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012. It integrates the Government’s plans, objectives and the available estimated resources provided by the Annual ...
    • Kajiado County Programme Based Budget 2024/2025 

      County Government of Kajiado (County Government of Kajiado, 2024)
      The mandate of the CPSB is spelt out in Articles 59 of the County Covernment Act, 2012. This includes establishment and abolition of offices, provision of competent human resource, promotion of good governance and ensuring ...
    • Kericho County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2024 

      County Government of Kericho (County Government of Kericho, 2024)
      The County Fiscal Strategy Paper has been prepared in line with section (117) and (6) of the public finance Management act2012 and PFM regulations 2015. The CFSP underpins the county fiscal and budget framework by laying ...
    • Kakamega County Programme Based Budget 2024/2025 

      County Government of Kakamega (County Government of Kakamega, 2024)
      The 2024/2025 Budget allocates resources to specific interventions aimed at achieving the County Blue Print of Economic vibrancy and prosperity. The County priority programmes and objectives as outlined in the County ...
    • Kakamega County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2024 

      County Government of Kakamega (County Government of Kakamega, 2024)
      The Kakamega County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP 2024) is prepared as provided under section 117 of the PFM Act, 2012. The Paper sets out the County Government priority Programmes to be implemented during the FY 2024/25 ...
    • Kakamega County Annual Development Plan 2024/2025 

      County Government of Kakamega (County Government of Kakamega, 2024)
      The County Annual Development Plan (CADP) 2024/25 is one of the main policy documents required for the appropriation of public funds and annual budget preparation process as required by Article 220(2) of the Constitution ...
    • Tana River County Approved budget Estimates 2024/2025 

      County Government of Tana River (County Government of Tana River, 2024)
      The Budget Estimates for the FY 2024/25 and the medium-tenn are anchored in and infonned by the County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP 2024) submitted to the County Assembly in February, 2024 and approved by the County Assembly ...
    • Tana River County Programme Based Budget 2024/2025 

      County Government of Tana River (County Government of Tana River, 2024)
      The Budget Estimates for the FY 2024/25 and the medium-te1m are anchored in and infmmed by the County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP 2024) submitted to the County Assembly in February, 2024 and approved by the County Assembly ...
    • Nairobi City County Integrated Development Plan 2023-2027 

      County Government of Nairobi (County Government of Nairobi, 2023-03)
      The Nairobi City County Integrated Development Plan 2023-2027 is a comprehensive and forward-looking blueprint that outlines the development priorities, strategies, and objectives for Nairobi City County over the five-year ...