Now showing items 41-60 of 1986

    • Nairobi City County Annual Development Plan 2023/2024 

      County Government of Nairobi (County Government of Nairobi, 2023-03)
      The Nairobi City County Annual Development Plan 2023/2024 is a comprehensive document outlining the strategic priorities and development goals for the Nairobi City County in the upcoming fiscal year. This plan encompasses ...
    • Nairobi City County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2023 

      County Government of Nairobi (County Government of Nairobi, 2023-02)
      The Nairobi City County Fiscal Strategy Paper (FSP) 2023 is a vital financial planning document that outlines the fiscal priorities, strategies, and targets for Nairobi City County for the year 2023. This FSP serves as a ...
    • Taita Taveta County Integrated Development Plan 2023-2027  

      County Government of Taita Taveta (County Government of Taita Taveta, 2023-02)
      The Taita Taveta County Government's County Integrated Development Plan III for the period 2023-2027 is a comprehensive strategic framework that outlines the county's development agenda and priorities. This plan aims to ...
    • Nandi County Integrated Development Plan 2023-2027 

      County Government of Nandi (County Government of Nandi, 2023-02)
      The Nandi County Integrated Development Plan 2023-2027 outlines the comprehensive roadmap for sustainable development and growth in Nandi County over the five-year period. This plan is designed to address key challenges, ...
    • Kakamega County Annual Development Plan 2023/2024 

      County Government of Kakamega (County Government of Kakamega, 2023-02)
      The Kakamega County Annual Development Plan for the fiscal year 2023/2024 outlines the strategic initiatives and priorities for the county's development. This comprehensive plan aims to promote inclusive growth, enhance ...
    • Muranga County Integrated Development Plan 2023-2027 

      County Government of Muranga (County Government of Muranga, 2023)
      Murang’a County is one of the 47 Counties created under the Kenya Constitution 2010. It is located in the central region of the Republic of Kenya and lies between latitudes 0o 34’; 107’ South and longitudes 36o; 37o 27’ ...
    • Kisii County Annual Development Plan 2023/2024 

      County Government of Kisii (County Government of Kisii, 2023)
      Preparation of the Annual Development Plan (ADP) is articulated in section 126 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012, and section 104 of the County Government Act, 2012 in fulfillment of Article 220(2) of the ...
    • Kisii County Annual Development Plan 2024/2025 

      County Government of Kisii (County Government of Kisii, 2023)
      This Annual Development Plan ( for the Financial Year 202 4 /2 5 implements the second FY of the County Integrated Development Plan ( 20 23 202 7 which was prepared, in adherence to the p rinciples contained in national ...
    • Nairobi City County Annual Development Plan 2024/2025 

      County Government of Nairobi (County Government of Nairobi, 2023)
      The 2024/25 Annual Development Plan is the second plan in a series of five, towards implementation of the third County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP 2023-2027). It was prepared pursuant to section 126 of the Public ...
    • Isiolo County Annual Development Plan 2024/2025 

      County Government of Isiolo (County Government of Isiolo, 2023)
      The Annual Development Plan (ADP) 2024/25 is the second in a series of successive one-year medium term plans, which will implement the Programmes identified under the third County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2023-2027. ...
    • Migori County Approved Budget Estimates 2023/2024 

      County Government of Migori (County Government of Migori, 2023)
      This is the first budget estimated prepared after the change in county government following the general elections conducted in August 2022. The 2023/24FY budget estimate considers the county priorities as espoused in the ...
    • Nairobi City County Program Based Budget 2023/2024 

      Nairobi City County (Nairobi City County, 2023)
      The basis of the County Public Service Board’s existence is Article 235 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010, which gave rise to the enactment of the County Governments Act, 2012. The Board is established under Section 57 ...
    • Muranga County Annual Development Plan 2023/2024 

      County Government of Muranga (County Government of Muranga, 2023)
      The County Annual Development Plan for the financial year 2023/2024 provides the basis for and marks the first year of implementation of the Third generation CIDP (2023-2027). It provides a road- map for implementing county ...
    • Homabay County Gender Inclusion and Participation Policy for Municipalities 2023 

      County Government of Homabay (County Government of Homabay, 2023)
      Gender inequality is discrimination on the basis of sex or gender causing one sex or gender to be routinely priviledged or prioritized over another. Gender inequality is a fundamental human right and that right is violated ...
    • Annual Investment Plans 2023-2024 for Homabay and Oyugis Municipalities 

      County Government of Homabay (County Government of Homabay, 2023)
      the investment plan for Homabay Municipality represents a vision for transforming the municipality into a thriving urban center harnessing its unique geographical positions on the shores of lake victoria and within the ...
    • Homabay County Urban Institutional Development Strategy (CUIDS) 2023-2026 

      County Government of Homabay (County Government of Homabay, 2023)
      The Homabay County Institutional Development strategy outlines the overall approach to urban areas management as well as the process by which the county government integrates urban development in county-wide planning. it ...
    • Migori County Annual Development Plan 2024/2025 

      County Government of Migori (County Government of Migori, 2023)
      The County Government has been implementing the County Development Agenda as encapsulated in the County Integrated Development Plan CIDP (2023-2027). This is done through Annual Development Plans (ADPs). The ADP 2024/25 ...
    • Nairobi City County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2023 

      County Government of Nairobi (County Government of Nairobi, 2023)
      The CBROP 2023 has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Public Finance Management Act 2012 Section 118. The CBROP 2023 provides a review of the fiscal performance for the financial year 2022/23 ...
    • Uasin Gishu County Annual Development Plan 2024/2025 

      County Government of Uasin Gishu (County Government of Uasin Gishu, 2023)
      The County Government Act, 2012 and the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 stipulate that development plans should form the basis for appropriation of public funds. As per the County Government Act section 108, county ...
    • Kisii County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2023/2024 

      County Government of Kisii (County Government of Kisii, 2023)
      This County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) is the first one prepared in the implementation of the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2023-27 in the realisation of the County’s aspiration of “prosperity for all” under ...