Now showing items 81-100 of 115

    • The National Volunteerism Policy 2015 

      Ministry of Labour (Ministry of Labour, 2015)
      The National Volunteerism Policy is anchored on the Constitution of Kenya, the Kenya Vision 2030 strategy and the Second Medium Term Plan (MTP II). The overall objective of this policy is to provide guidelines on efficient ...
    • Economic Policy Instructing the Drafting of County Revenue Legislation 2015 

      Commission on Revenue Allocation (Commission on Revenue Allocation, 2015)
      The purpose of this guide is to assist county governments prepare revenue laws and fiscal policies that are in conformity with the principles of the Constitution and other laws. The guide is also intended to support a ...
    • Kenya Foreign Policy 2014 

      Republic of Kenya (Republic of Kenya, 2014)
      This document outlines Kenya’s Foreign Policy as it has evolved since independence in 1963. It underscores the underlying philosophy and values, main sources and influences, guiding principles, objectives and core priorities, ...
    • Kenya Diaspora Policy 2014 

      Republic of Kenya (Republic of Kenya, 2014)
      This Diaspora Policy is a response to the urgent need for mainstreaming the Kenyan Diaspora into national development process in line with the aspirations and goals of the Kenya Vision 2030 development blueprint. The Kenya ...
    • National Policy for Prevention and Response to Gender Based Violence 2014 

      Ministry of Devolution and Planning (Ministry of Devolution and Planning, 2014)
      Gender based Violence is a serious global health, human rights, and development issue. It is a symptom of underlying gender inequalities and power imbalances that goes beyond geography, race, culture, class, and religion, ...
    • Kenya Health Policy 2014-2030: Towards Attaining the Highest Standards of Health 

      Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health, 2014)
      The Kenya Health Policy, 2014–2030 gives directions to ensure significant improvement in overall status of health in Kenya in line with the Constitution of Kenya 2010, the country’s long-term development agenda, Vision ...
    • Occupational Safety and Health Policy for the Health Sector in Kenya 2014 

      Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health, 2014)
      Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is an area concerned with protecting the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work or employment. The goals of occupational safety and health programs include fostering a ...
    • Forest Policy 2014 

      Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, 2014)
      This Policy proposes a broad range of measures and actions responding to the challenges faced by the forest sector. It is based upon the views and expert opinion of those participants drawn from the public and private ...
    • National Policy on Older Persons and Ageing 2014 

      Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Services (Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Services, 2014)
      The overall goal of this policy is to provide an environment that recognizes, empowers, and facilitates Older Persons to participate in the society and enjoy their rights, freedoms and live in dignity. Some of the specific ...
    • National Climate Change Action Plan 2013 -2017 

      Ministry of Environment and Forestry (Ministry of Environment and Forestry, 2013)
      Climate change is the most serious global challenge of our time. The 2010 National Climate Change Response Strategy (NCCRS) recognised the importance of climate change impacts for Kenya’s development. This National Climate ...
    • East African Community Youth Policy 2013 

      East African Community (East African Community, 2013)
      In all parts of the world, young people, living in countries at different stages of development and in different socio-economic situations, aspire to live full lives in their societies. However, the increasing youth ...
    • Policy on the Criteria for Identifying Marginalised Areas and Sharing of the Equalisation Fund 2013 

      Commission on Revenue Allocation (Commission on Revenue Allocation, 2013)
      The Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) was established in accordance with Article 215 of the Constitution of Kenya. Article 216 (4) of the Constitution requires the Commission to determine, publish and regularly review ...
    • The National Food Safety Policy 2013 

      Republic of Kenya (Republic of Kenya, 2013)
      The Kenyan food safety control system is multi-sectoral in approach and is embodied in various statutes implemented by various Government ministries/departments and regulatory agencies. The coordination mechanism among ...
    • National Policy on Elimination of Child Labour: Towards a Child Labour Free Society 

      Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Services (Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Services, 2013)
      The National Policy on the Elimination of Child Labour is a response to the aforementioned challenges. It seeks to capitalize on and maximize the effects of the existing macro and sectoral policies on child labour. It also ...
    • National Agricultural Research System Policy 2012 

      Agricultural Sector Coordination Unit (ASCU) (Ministry of Agriculture, 2012)
      The policy objectives are: improving agricultural research policy framework; harmonizing and providing direction to national research for sustainable development; strengthening the legal, institutional and regulatory ...
    • East African Community Policy on Persons With Disabilities 2012 

      East African Community (Ministry of East African Community, 2012)
      The policy will promote a framework for; Enhancing the recognition of the roles, contributions and potentials of PWDs in the development process, Strengthening/developing the informal and formal community based support ...
    • The National Occupational Safety and Health Policy 2012 

      Ministry of Labour (Ministry of Labour, 2012)
      This Policy intends to significantly sustain continual development and implementation of the National Occupational Safety and Health systems and programs to reduce incidences of work related accidents and diseases. In ...
    • Feed-In-Tariffs Policy on Wind, Biomass, Small-Hydro, Geothermal, Biogas and Solar Resource Generated Electricity 2012 

      Ministry of Energy (Ministry of Energy, 2012)
      A Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) is an instrument for promoting generation of electricity from renewable energy sources. A Feed-in-Tariff allows power producers to sell renewable energy generated electricity to an Off-taker at a ...
    • Anti Corruption Policy 2011 

      Ministry of State for Planning,National Development & Vision 2030 (Ministry of State for Planning,National Development & Vision 2030, 2011-05)
      The Anti-Corruption Policy of 2011 serves as a vital framework in combating corruption and promoting transparency, integrity, and accountability in both public and private sectors. The policy outlines measures and strategies ...
    • National Food and Nutrition Security Policy 2011 

      Ministry of Agriculture (Government of Kenya, 2011)
      Food and nutrition security refers to a situation where all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active ...