Now showing items 191-196 of 196
Sessional Paper No. 24 of 1954 on The Implementation of the Recommendations of the Kenya Police Commission, 1953.
(The Government Printer, 1954)
The Report of the Kenya Police Commission was published in February, 1954, with the following note: This Report has not yet been considered by Government and is published for general information. The Commission, in Appendix ...
Session Paper No: 145 of 1953 on Civil Aviation: Expenditure on Ground Services.
(Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, 1953)
The post-war development of Civil Aviation has entailed the provision of, not only aerodromes and aerodrome facilities, but such ground-services as air traffic control, aeradio, meteorological information, etc. The question ...
Sessional Paper No. 03 of 2020 on The Livestock Policy
(The Government Printer, 2020)
The broad objective of the Livestock Policy is to utilize livestock
resources for food and nutrition security and improved livelihoods while
safeguarding the environment. The objective will be achieved by measures
to ...
Sessional Paper of 2017 on National Housing Policy for Kenya
(Republic of Kenya, 2017)
This National Housing Policy is intended to arrest the deteriorating housing conditions countrywide and to bridge the shortfall in housing stock arising from demand that far surpasses supply, particularly in urban areas. ...
Sessional Paper No. 02 of 2019 on National Policy on Gender and Development: Towards creating a just, fair and transformed society free from gender based discrimination in all spheres of life practices
(Republic of Kenya, 2019)
Gender is responsible for promoting gender equality and empowerment of women in Kenya. One of its key responsibilities is to promote the development and review of gender policies and legislation. The Department has developed ...
Sessional Paper No. 03 of 2019 on National Policy for the Eradication of Female Genital Mutilation: Towards a society free from harmful cultural practices
(Government of Kenya, 2019)
Female genital mutilation (FGM) is detrimental to the physical, social and emotional well-being of women and girls. FGM is a human rights violation that has a trickle effect on the country's social, economic and political ...