Now showing items 41-50 of 424
Sessional Paper No. 07 of 1973 on Government Guarantee for a Loan by the International Bank For Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) to the Industrial Development Bank (K) LTD.
(Government of Kenya, 1973)
In accordance with the provisions of the Guarantee (loans) Act Cap 461, the following information is laid before the National Assembly relating to a guarantee which the Kenya Government proposes to give in respect of a ...
Sessional Paper No. 02 of 2014 on The National Social Protection Policy
(Republic of Kenya, 2014)
This Sessional Paper recognizes and builds on existing social protection initiatives such as education bursaries, school feeding programmes, agriculture subsidies, fee waivers in public health facilities, Orphans and ...
Sessional Paper No. 03 of 2014 on National Policy and Action Plan on Human Rights
(Republic of Kenya, 2014)
This Policy focuses on a set of key priority human rights areas that were identified by the public during hearings conducted countrywide. These key areas are categorized as follows: in the area of Civil and Political Rights ...
Sessional Paper No. 04 of 2014 on the Governance, Justice, Law and Order Sector (GJLOS) Policy
(Republic of Kenya, 2014)
GJLOS sector policy performs a number of primary objectives. First, it creates harmonization, alignment, coordination, and anchorage within the sector (between different GJLOS institutions) and between the GJLOS and the ...
Sessional Paper No. 01 of 2015 on the National Policy on Elimination of Child Labour
The National Policy on the Elimination of Child Labour is a response to the aforementioned challenges. It seeks to capitalize on and maximize the effects of the existing macro and sectoral policies on child labour. It also ...
Sessional Paper No. 05 of 2014 on National Policy for Peacebuilding and Conflict Management
(Ministry of Interior and Co-Ordination of National Government, 2014)
This Peacebuilding and Conflict Management Sessional Paper is a culmination of the consultative process which commenced in 2005 in an effort to strengthen, co-ordinate, and integrate various conflict management initiatives ...
Sessional Paper No.12 of 2014 on National Wetlands Conservation and Management Policy
(Ministry of Environment Water and Natural Resources, 2014)
The National Wetlands Conservation and Management Policy, developed through a rigorous multi-stakeholder consultative process, therefore seeks to secure and ensure the benefits of wetlands for posterity. It also aims at ...
Sessional paper No. 02 of 2008 on National Livestock Policy
(Ministry of Livestock Development, 2008)
The Livestock policy covers key issues relating to: farm animal genetic resources, livestock nutrition, feeds, inputs, animal diseases and pests, livestock marketing, research and extension and food security. In developing ...
Sessional Paper No. 03 of 2009 on National Land Policy
(Ministry of Lands, 2009)
This Sessional Paper was formulated to provide an overall framework and define the key measures required to address the critical issues of land administration, access to land, land use planning, restitution of historical ...
Sessional Paper No. 02 of 2009 on National Policy on Older Persons and Aging
(Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development, 2009)
The population of older persons is increasing at a very rapid rate all over
in the world. It was about 200 million in 1950, rose to 606 million in the
year 2000 and is projected to reach 1.2 and 2 .0 billions in 2025 ...