Recent Submissions

  • Machakos County Records Management Policy 2024 

    County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2024)
    Effective records management is critical to the operation of any government. It ensures that accurate and reliable information is available for decision-making, supports the protection and preservation of our historical ...
  • Machakos County Public Transport Sexual Harassment and Gender-Based Violence Policy 2022 

    County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2022)
    The Kenyan Constitution inaugurated in 2010 has clear guidelines on fundamental human rights to protect all Kenyans from any form of discrimination and harassment, as directly stated in Articles 27, 28, and 29. Additionally, ...
  • Machakos County Monitoring and Evaluation Policy 2021 

    County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2021)
    The County Government of Machakos will endeavour to promote and participate in the achievement of economic, social , environmental and cultural development .This will be realized by focusing on effective and efficient ...
  • Machakos County Public Transport Sexual Harassment Policy 2021 

    County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2021)
    The county of Machakos has experienced an unprecedented increase in SGBV over the last ten years resulting from an increase in drug abuse and the proliferation of illicit liquor. As highlighted in the County’s Draft Gender ...
  • Machakos County ICT Policy 2021 

    County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2021)
    The Government of Kenya, its citizens, have identified roles played by ICT in the social and economic development of the nation and thus promulgated a national ICT policy based on Kenya Vision 2030 This policy’s objective ...
  • Machakos County Development Planning and Implementation Policy Paper 2021 

    County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2021)
    The formulation of the Machakos County Development Planning and implementation policy is yet another milestone for my administration in our efforts to achieve faster and targeted development and which is an integral part ...
  • Machakos County Corruption Prevention Policy 

    County Government of Machakos (County Government of Machakos, 2020)
    The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all institutions in the County Government of Machakos are corruption free and that all staff of the County government cultivate a culture of zero tolerance to corruption with ...