Now showing items 1-20 of 46

    • Nyeri County Annual Development Plan 2015/2016 

      County Government of Nyeri (County Government of Nyeri, 2015)
      The preparation of the second County Annual Development Plan was participatory where all the County Departments were actively involved. They provided their departments’ priorities for the year 2015/2016 towards the ...
    • Nyeri County Annual Development Plan 2016/2017 

      County Government of Nyeri (County Government of Nyeri, 2016)
      The 2016/17 Nyeri County Annual Development Plan is prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Public Finance Management Act 2012; article 126. This Annual Development Plan is framed against a broad fiscal policy ...
    • Nyeri County Annual Development Plan 2017/2018 

      County Government of Nyeri (County Government of Nyeri, 2017)
      The 2017-2018 County Annual Development Plan (CADP) has been prepared in accordance with the policies stipulated in the County Integrated Development Plan 2013-2017. It is also aligned to departmental strategic plans and ...
    • Nyeri County Annual Development Plan 2018/2019 

      County Government of Nyeri (County Government of Nyeri, 2018)
      The plan was developed in a consultative and participatory manner in line with the constitutional requirements for public and stakeholder participation in public decision making. In addition, development of the plan took ...
    • Nyeri County Annual Development Plan 2019/2020 

      County Government of Nyeri (County Government of Nyeri, 2019)
      TThe ADP contains priority development programmes and projects that have been identified for implementation during the FY 2019/20. The projects and programmes are geared towards addressing development challenges that the ...
    • Nyeri County Annual Development Plan 2020/2021 

      County Government of Nyeri (County Government of Nyeri, 2020)
      The County Annual Development Plan (CADP) for the 2020/2021 is the third to be prepared under the current County Integrated Development Plan (2018-2022). The plan has been prepared in accordance with Article 220(2) of the ...
    • Nyeri County Annual Development Plan 2021/2022 

      County Government of Nyeri (County Government of Nyeri, 2020)
      The County Annual Development Plan (CADP) for the 2021/2022 has been prepared in accordance with Article 220(2) of the Constitution of Kenya and section 126 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012. It contains priority ...
    • Nyeri County Annual Development Plan 2022/2023 

      County Government of Nyeri (County Government of Nyeri, 2021)
      This County Annual Development Plan (CADP) for the FY 2022/2023 has been prepared in accordance with Article 220(2) of the Constitution of Kenya and section 126 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012. It contains ...
    • Nyeri County Annual Development Plan 2023/2024 

      County Government of Nyeri (County Government of Nyeri, 2023)
      The County Annual Development Plan (CADP) for the FY 2023/2024 was prepared in accordance with article 220(2) of the Constitution of Kenya and section 126 of the Public Finance Management Act ,2012. It contains priority ...
    • Nyeri County Annual Development Plan 2024/2025 

      County Government of Nyeri (County Government of Nyeri, 2023)
      As the world continues to experience varying dynamics of the climate change crisis, youth exclusion and underrepresentation in significant decisions on climate change has emerged as a concern for three main reasons. Firstly, ...
    • Nyeri County Approved Budget Estimates 2022/2023 

      County Government of Nyeri (County Government of Nyeri, 2022)
      The PFM, Regulations, 2015 Section 6 (2) states that the County Treasuries shall arrange for effective public participation during the development of their annual budget estimates including the publication of citizens’ ...
    • Nyeri County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2014 

      County Government of Nyeri (County Government of Nyeri, 2014)
      The CBROP will be a key document in linking up of policy, planning and budgeting. This CBROP will be embedded on the Kenya’s Vision 2030, Second Medium Term Plan (MTP) priorities and the Nyeri County Integrated Development ...
    • Nyeri County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2015 

      County Government of Nyeri (County Government of Nyeri, 2015)
      This County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP) is prepared in line with the provisions of the Public Financial Management Act, 2012. It contains a review of the fiscal performance of the financial year 2014/15, updated ...
    • Nyeri County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2016 

      County Government of Nyeri (County Government of Nyeri, 2016)
      The Nyeri County Budget Review Outlook Paper (CBROP) is prepared in line with section 118 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012. The CBROP, 2016, captures updated economic and financial forecasts with sufficient ...
    • Nyeri County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2017 

      County Government of Nyeri (County Government of Nyeri, 2017)
      The Nyeri County Budget Review Outlook Paper (CBROP) is prepared in line with section 118 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012. The CBROP, 2017, captures updated economic and financial forecasts with sufficient ...
    • Nyeri County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2018 

      County Government of Nyeri (County Government of Nyeri, 2018)
      The Nyeri County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP) is developed in accordance with section 118 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012. The CBROP, 2018, provides information on recent economic and financial ...
    • Nyeri County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2019 

      County Government of Nyeri (County Government of Nyeri, 2019)
      The Nyeri County Budget Review Outlook Paper (CBROP) is developed at a time when the national economic growth has remained strong and resilient despite the emerging global challenges. This has been supported by ongoing ...
    • Nyeri County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2020 

      County Government of Nyeri (County Government of Nyeri, 2020)
      The County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP), 2020 has been prepared in accordance with the Public Finance Management (PFM) Act, 2012 and its Regulations. The objective of the County Budget Review and Outlook Paper ...
    • Nyeri County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2021 

      County Government of Nyeri (County Government of Nyeri, 2021)
      The County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP), 2021, is prepared against a background of expected global and national economic recovery after a slump in 2020 occasioned by the negative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. ...
    • Nyeri County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2022 

      County Government of Nyeri (County Government of Nyeri, 2022)
      The Nyeri County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2022 presents a review of the budget for Nyeri County in Kenya for the year 2022 and an outlook for the future. The budget review provides an analysis of the county's revenue ...