Now showing items 41-60 of 115

    • Public Relations and Communication Management Policy 2019 

      Ministry of Information, Communications and Technology (Ministry of Information, Communications and Technology, 2019)
      The role of Public Relations and Communication Management in Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) entails among other functions identifying significant events which require packaging of Government information ...
    • Menstrual Hygiene Management Policy 2019-2030 

      Ministry of Health (Government of Kenya, 2019)
      Sanitation and hygiene occupy one of the most important spaces in Kenya’s constitution, our overarching policy framework, the Kenya Vision 2030; and our collective global sustainable development agenda. In all these spaces, ...
    • National Curriculum Policy 2019 

      Ministry of Education (Ministry of Education, 2019)
      Global trends in education and training are shifting their focus towards programmes that encourage optimal development of human capital. Proponents for this change argue that unless young people’s skills are developed ...
    • Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Policy 2019 

      The National Treasury and Planning (The National Treasury and Planning, 2019)
      The Public Procurement and Asset Disposal System in Kenya has evolved from a system which had no regulations to a legally regulated procurement and asset disposal system in line with International Standards. The Government ...
    • Comprehensive Policy on Unclaimed Financial Assets 2019 

      The National Treasury and Planning (The National Treasury and Planning, 2019)
      The overall purpose of this policy is to guide the Government on the achievement of an improved and effective unclaimed financial assets governance framework through a strategic approach. It is expected that under such a ...
    • East African Community Gender Policy 2018 

      East African Community Secretariat (East African Community Secretariat, 2018)
      Globally, respect for human rights, inclusivity and empowerment are fundamental principles of humanity. The quest for Gender Equality and Women Empowerment is critical for social, cultural and economic development ...
    • Government Support Measures Policy 2018 

      The National Treasury and Planning (The National Treasury and Planning, 2018)
      This Policy Statement declares the Government of Kenya’s practice and stance on the conditions under which Government may make various supports available to implementers of public projects, in order for such investments ...
    • Competency Based Education and Training Policy Framework 2018 

      Ministry of Education (Ministry of Education, 2018)
      The current TVET system in Kenya is largely based on theoretical training that to some extent gives less attention to the assessment of competence as required in the workplace. Employers are critical of this historical system ...
    • Sector Policy for Learners and Trainees with Disabilities 2018 

      Ministry of Education (Ministry of Education, 2018)
      This policy has been developed with an overall goal of promoting the provision of education and training for learners and trainees with disabilities. The pursuit of this goal has necessitated several critical shifts from ...
    • Sector Policy and Implementation Guidelines for Learners and Trainees with Disabilities 2018 

      Ministry of Education (Ministry of Education, 2018)
      An easy to read version of the Education and Training policy and Implementation Guidelines for learners and trainees with disabilities.
    • Kenya National Guidelines for Cardiovascular Diseases Management 2018 

      Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health, 2018)
      In Kenya, it is estimated that 25% of hospital admissions are due to CVD and 13% of autopsies revealed CVDs as cause of death, representing the second highest cause of death after infectious/maternal/perinatal causes. The ...
    • National Cancer Screening Guidelines 2018 

      Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health, 2018)
      The cancer burden is rising globally, exerting significant strain on populations and health systems at all income levels. In Kenya, cancer is the 3rd leading cause of death after infectious and cardiovascular diseases. ...
    • National Pre-Primary Education Policy 2018 

      Ministry of Education (Ministry of Education, 2018)
      The Government of Kenya has developed Standard Guidelines to operationalize the National Pre-Primary Education Policy (2017) in collaboration with County Governments and other stakeholders. The National Pre-primary Education ...
    • Education Sector Disaster Management Policy 2017 

      Ministry of Education (Ministry of Education, 2018-01)
      The Education Sector Disaster Management Policy 2017 emphasizes the Ministry of Education's commitment to providing quality education and delivering the post-2015 Education Agenda, which focuses on global sustainable ...
    • Data Protection Policy 2018 

      Ministry of Information Communication and Technology (Ministry of Information Communication and Technology, 2018)
      The Government of Kenya values the Privacy and the Protection of Personal Data. All the actors involved in the management of Personal Data are expected to respect the requirements of safeguarding Personal Data. Through the ...
    • Second Policy and Criteria for Sharing Revenue among Marginalised Areas 2018 

      Commission on Revenue Allocation (Commission on Revenue Allocation, 2018)
      This policy is anchored on five key principles; namely: subsidiarity, equity and inclusivity, distributive justice, transparency in resource distribution and use, and public participation in the application and management ...
    • National Energy Policy 2018 

      Ministry of Energy (Ministry of Energy, 2018)
      The overall objective of this Energy Policy is to ensure affordable, competitive, sustainable and reliable supply of energy at the least cost in order to achieve the national and county development needs, while protecting ...
    • National Trade Policy “Transforming Kenya into a Competitive Export-Led and Efficient Domestic Economy” 

      Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives State Department for Trade (Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives State Department for Trade, 2017-05)
      The National Trade Policy of Kenya has been developed to address the changing landscape of governance and trade in the country, including devolution and the need to re-emphasize the role of trade in reducing poverty and ...
    • National Pre-Primary Education Policy 2017 

      Ministry of Education (Ministry of Education, 2017)
      The development of this policy was informed by the need to provide quality, equitable, inclusive and relevant pre-primary education services to enable children attain the highest requisite age appropriate competencies in ...
    • National Policy on Injection Safety and medical Waste Management 2017 

      Ministry Health (Ministry of Health, 2017)
      The Ministry of Health recognizes the importance of safeguarding patients, health workers and the community at large from risks associated with unnecessary and unsafe injections as well as improper disposal of medical ...